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How will AI change the E-learning industry?

AI is changing eLearning. With AI solutions popping up everywhere, from retail to real estate or online shopping, it’s no surprise that Artificial Intelligence has also impacted the eLearning industry. And will continue to do so.

What are some of the key areas which are ripe for transformation? We’ve identified three where we think Artificial Intelligence solutions will play a big part. Check it out.


Just like classroom-based learning, eLearning has its fair share of repetitive tasks. And while some such as sending email reminders, feedback forms, or diplomas can now be handled better through pre-programmed workflows, there are still a lot of repetitive tasks that can benefit from AI implementation.

One of them is assessing a person’s expertise level. Usually, this is done via an interview and maybe some tests, but it can be time-consuming, tiresome, and subjective. AI solutions can help eLearning professionals create a standard approach, with several steps that can take the guessing out of assessment processes. And this can work for both soft skills and hard skills.

Another area where AI can make a big difference is in assessing how much a person has learned after taking part in a training session, workshop, etc. AI can develop and grade quizzes, detect plagiarism, or provide feedback on simple exercises. Grunt work, so to speak.

This frees up time for the trainer or the teacher to focus on the big picture and provide detailed feedback where necessary or better identify what areas they need to work on more with each student.

Data analysis

eLearning platforms and systems can provide a lot of data that can be used to assess and improve the way learning is done. The problem is that the data volume is now very high, and it’s very difficult for a human user to analyze it and properly draw the right conclusions. One of the advantages of AI solutions is that they can quickly analyze large data sets. In fact, the more data you have, the better.

Artificial Intelligence can spot trends and patterns in the data and identify, for example, when a user is falling behind or has difficulties understanding parts of the content. Connect it with video, and it can also find out when a user spaces out or has difficulties paying attention during a presentation. This type of information can help the training designer improve the content and make it more efficient.

Personalized approach

Because of its ability to analyze large sets of data and spot patterns, AI will also help with tailoring learning solutions. Learning designers can create different versions of the same content for different learning styles – auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and so on. The AI solution can then analyze each person’s learning style and deliver the content in the right form, ensuring a higher probability that the participant will remember and understand it.

Case studies or exercises can be adapted on the go, based on how fast or slow a person responds or how well they did in previous exercises. This type of scenario-based learning is very effective, but very hard to put into practice without the help of AI solutions.

How can you apply AI in your company?

Whether it’s Duolingo, Carnegie, or anyone of the thousands of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) out there, AI is changing eLearning. Some might be a bit scared at the idea of an AI solution taking over their job. Still, the truth is Artificial Intelligence can help professionals rather than taking over their role.

For many professionals in the learning industry, a lot of their time is taken up by administrative tasks, which prevents them from actually teaching and helping participants. Artificial Intelligence can take over these responsibilities and free up their time.

If you’re interested in applying AI solutions to your internal L&D systems, we can help you do it efficiently and cost-effectively. Just set a free 60-minute consultancy session with us, and let’s talk AI.